The new "On Hold” feature refers to the amount of e-money that is being set aside from your eWallet balance after performing a transaction. This feature is applicable for pre-authorization when making payment with UnionPay and balance withdrawal requests.
“Available Balance” refers to the amount that can be used for making transactions.
“Current Balance” refers to the combined total amount of “Available Balance” and “On Hold”. This total amount cannot exceed the wallet limit.
“eWallet space left” refers to the remaining wallet amount that can be topped up by the user.
SPayGlobal offers 3 wallet types
Wallet Type |
Basic |
Premium |
Platinum |
eKYC |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Wallet size (RM) |
500 |
3,000 |
6,000 |
Min top up amount (RM) |
10 |
10 |
10 |
Monthly top up limit using card (RM) |
2,000 |
5,000 |
10,000 |
Daily payment transaction limit (RM) - for all kinds of payment services, including UnionPay payment transaction |
1,000 |
6,000 |
12,000 |
Annual payment transaction limit (RM) - for all kinds of payment services, including UnionPay payment transaction |
6,000 |
36,000 |
100,000 |
Fund transfer limit per transaction (RM) |
200 |
500 |
1,000 |
Daily fund transfer limit (RM) |
200 |
500 |
1,000 |
Monthly fund transfer limit (RM) |
200 |
2,000 |
6,000 |
Annual fund transfer limit (RM) |
2,000 |
12,000 |
36,000 |
Daily eGift transfer limit (RM) |
100 |
1,000 |
1,000 |
Monthly eGift transfer limit (RM) |
200 |
8,000 |
8,000 |
Annual eGift transfer limit (RM) |
500 |
8,000 |
8,000 |
Daily withdrawal limit (RM) |
N/A |
N/A |
1,000 |
Monthly withdrawal limit (RM) |
N/A |
N/A |
6,000 |
Annual withdrawal limit (RM) |
N/A |
N/A |
36,000 |
Please take note that the above list is non-exhaustive and any revision, addition or removal shall be solely determined by SNT from time to time.
For more details, click and learn more about our wallet at our full Terms & Conditions
1) What is a Platinum Wallet?
· It is a bigger wallet that can hold up to RM6,000.
2) What is the difference between Premium Wallet and the Platinum Wallet
· Premium wallet can hold up to RM3,000.
3) What can I do with the Platinum Wallet?
· Make single transaction up to RM6000.
· Have a higher payment transaction limit compared to a Premium Wallet.
4) What are the criteria for me to get a Platinum Wallet?
· To upgrade to a Platinum Wallet, you must meet the following criteria:
o Currently a Premium Wallet user
o Age above 18 years old
o Complete your user Profile
o Complete your eKYC verification
o Account is active for the last 3 months
o Using a smart phone with either Android 11 or higher/iOS 12 or higher.
5) How to upgrade to a Platinum Wallet?
· Premium Wallet users may upgrade to Platinum Wallet,
· Go to your User Profile and follow the steps [ here ]
6) What is the payment transaction limit for the Platinum Wallet?
· The payment transaction limits are as follows:
o Daily RM12,000
o Yearly RM100,000
7) After I upgrade to a Platinum wallet, can I go back to my Premium Wallet?
· Currently this feature is not available. We will provide in future, if needed.
8) Are there any charges for the upgrade to Platinum Wallet?
· There is no charge to upgrade to Platinum Wallet.
9) Are there any fees for using the Platinum Wallet?
· There is no fee to use S PAY GLOBAL wallet locally within Malaysia.
10) What is going to happen to my wallet balance after I upgrade?
· The upgrade will not affect your wallet balance or transaction history.
11) What is going to happen to my Loyalty cards/points and discount vouchers after I upgrade?
· Any existing loyalty rewards will remain intact.
12) What are the terms and conditions of the Platinum Wallet?
Click [ here ] to read the full terms and conditions of the Platinum Wallet.
i) What is eWallet Usage Summary/User Dashboard?
It is an easy to use, easy to understand user eWallet summary.
ii) How can I see my transaction records?
Tap on the plus sign tab [ RM + ] to view all your Top Up and other transactions that credit/add money into your eWallet.
Tap on the minus sign tab [ RM - ] to view all your Payments and other transactions that debit/deduct money from your eWallet.
iii) How do I filter the transaction by Date?
Tap on any of the options that say “Today”, “Last 7 days”, “Monthly” or the Calendar icon to filter your transaction history by date.
iv) How do I filter by transaction type?
Tap on “Filter” at the Transaction listing panel, then in the popup screen choose the category.
Tap “Show All” to reset the filter.
v) Can I view my payments made to a specific merchant?
YES. Tap on “Filter” at the Transaction listing panel, then in the popup screen type in the merchant’s name. Lastly tap on “Filter by Merchant” to filter.
The currency that can be stored in your account is Malaysian Ringgit.
S PAY GLOBAL transact in Ringgit Malaysia only.
Choose your preferred method to add money by following the steps below:
Step 1: Select “My Account” at Home Page
Step 2: Select “Top Up” and choose your top up method
Step 3: Enter your amount to top up and tap “Next”
Step 4: Complete the process for successful transaction
Minimum per top up amount is RM10. Your top up amount plus any current wallet balance must not exceed the allowed wallet limit as follow:
Basic Wallet : Maximum RM500
Premium Wallet : Maximum RM3,000
Platinum Wallet : Maximum RM6,000
For Internet Banking
Step 1: Key in your desired top up amount.
Step 2: Select your preferred bank.
Step 3: You will be redirected to your bank's online banking portal in app.
Step 4: Complete the transaction on your online banking portal.
Step 5: You will receive an OTP from your card issuing bank to verify the transaction.
Step 6: Key in your OTP to complete the transaction.
How do I top up with Credit Card?
For credit/debit card top up:
Step 1: Select “Credit/Debit Card”
Step 2: Enter your top up amount
Step 3: Enter your card number, expiry date and CVV
Step 5: You will receive an OTP from your card issuing bank to verify the transaction
Step 6: Key in your OTP to complete the transaction.
1. A charge from SiliconNet Technologies Sdn Bhd (operator of S PAY GLOBAL ) will appear on your credit card statement.
2. A 2% non-refundable convenience fee will be charged for every top-up request using credit card.
Update: Effective 17.12.2019, the convenience fee is waived until further notice.
If you do not have a bank account, you can approach any Ejen Bank BSN to perform a top up to your e-Wallet. This is how you do it:
From BSN Point of Sales Terminal
Step 1: Enter your mobile number
Step 2: Enter your top up amount